Friday, June 19, 2009

Want To Share All Your Knowledge?

Hello. Well I'm just going to get to the chase. I am doing this little goal thing to keep me from going mad in this boring town, by setting a goal to have at least 3 people interviewed by the end of the month! Now, it might sound corny and all, but it's actually fun making up these funny questions. So if you wouldnt mind being interviewed by me, then leave a comment saying so. Keep in mind that I can have as much interviews as possible, no time or number limit.


  1. you can interview me if ya want!
    do you need my email address?

  2. Ya, that would be cool. Beware of some random questions though. haha

  3. lol, I'll be ready for 'em!
    my email is:

  4. Hey Paris, i tried to send you some really awesome questions and for some reason it was sent back?
